Success - Total Money Makeover By Prof Subin


Success - Total Money Makeover By Prof Subin

1.   #Stop Living In Denial:

Health – Good Food

Alcohol – 2 peg is ok, But later it will be a routine.

Enjoy Life – Bills get accumulated, then debt increases.

Accept This Reality.


2.    #Create an Emergency Fund:

Minimum $1000 must be there, if alone.

If you have got married - $1500

1st Baby + Husband + Wife = $2500

1st Baby + 2nd Baby + Husband + Wife = $4000


3.    #Use Debt Smaller:

a.    Save 10%/Month,  if you are below the age of 30 years

b.    Save 15%/Month, if you are below the age of 40 years

c.    Save 20%/Month, if you are below the age of 50 years


4.   # Snowball The Debt:

Calculate the Debt.

Example : To Pay Friend = $  2,000

                 Mobile Loans  = $  3,000

                 Car Loans       = $  5,000

                 Home Loans   = $ 20,000.


First have a Recurring Deposit of $500/Month, $500 x 4 = 2000.Pay off Friends Loan.


Then you get promotion and salary increases to $1000.

Save $1000/Month For 1 Year. $1000 x 12 = $12,000

Pay off, Mobile Loans and Car Loans.


Another Promotion and salary increased to $2000

$2000/Month X 12 = $24,000


Total Saving is $4000. But, No Debt To Pay. Now start investing.

Success - Total Money Makeover By Prof Subin


5.  #3 Month Runway Fund [Living fund x 3 times = Runway Fund].


Your Salary =$5000

Your Household Expenses = $2000

Emergency Fund = $1000

Balance = $2000


3 Month Runway Fund = $5000 x 3 = 15,000


$ 1500/Month X 12 in Recurring Deposits = $18,000 [Runway Fund,Initial]


$500 X 12 invested in Mutual funds = $6,250 [$250 Gain]

$18000 + $ 6,250 = $24,250.

Success - Total Money Makeover By Prof Subin


6.    # Increase it to Runway Fund For 12 Months.

In Hand Runway Fund = $24,250

Required Runway Fund = $5,000 x 12 = 60,000

Salary Appreciated = $ 1000.


Runway Fund Balance =  $36,000

$2500/Month X 12 = $30,000


$500/Month X 12, Invested In Mutual Funds = $6,250


Runway Funds For 12 Months Achieved More Than $60,000.


7.    Long Term Gain Must Be Gained Through Short Term Sacrifices.


# Investment :

Invest $3000/Month X 12 x 5 years in Mutual funds

Return will be $265,000


This is how you Can Achieve Financial Success.

====Want To Become Debt-Free & Become Rich === 

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Prof Subin : 7000188030 [Whatsapp]

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