Why Woman Fear To Wear Bra:-
Why Woman Fear To Wear Bra:-

Price: $15/pc
Min Order: 2 Pcs
Company: AS Associates
Delivery: Anywhere
Delivery time: 10 days
Woman community are suffering from the mega-bonus offers from companies, esp., they feel that their life is like a testing ground for corporates.
To make them happy, we as a team are working to create a unique way to make woman community comfortable while using Bra and Panties. This is the legal right of them, Woman Community.
- To give them the best product/s which can cover them with ease and flexible.
- Doing thorough research to cater them, by providing items according to day & night, according to season - summer, winter, rainy, spring, autumn. This must also get them affordable too.
Summer: In summer, according to research found that people prefer clothes made of cotton, linen, shiffon and cotton knits. But the main preference stood for cotton and light linen. During summer, the dress must be plain white, light cream which must be loose, and the pants which is of light shade or half pants. Linen is a beatheable fibre.
My First Selection of Sexy Lingerie for You:-
Summer Collection:

Price: $ 20/PC
Min Order: 2 pcs
Delivery: Anywhere
Delivery Time: 10 days
Price: $15/pc
About Bra, Summer season, during days please wear “Hanes Woman’s X-Temp Wirefree Bra” plus it is cheap too, which will cost you below $15. In the night, please use a tea-shirt and small pants and let free to breathe air. If you still are not comfortable, use a cotton-wire bra, put it loose and let air flow in and out.
In winter, you can use multi-coloured items as that time sweat will not be troubling you. Only think that never use tight bra, have space for it to gain air. Even bra made from linen can be used. Use velvet, silk and knits on inside and outside you will be using sweater.
Another Sexy Lingerie to Suit You:-
Summer Lingerie:-

Price: $15/pc
Min Order: 2 pcs
Company: AS Associates
Delivery: Anywhere
Delivery Time: 10 days
Spring & Autumn:-
Spandex which Dupont company came forward Lycra is the best option. Before buying, think that how much stretch is required. Stretch rate varies from 25% to 100%. This varies with clothing like velvet, nylon, mix fibers are stretchable.
There are medical studies done regarding usage of tight bra, which inflicts red lines on the surface. Due to over-tight, cells get crushed which produces milk, can in future cause cancer. Use any cloth to the body, don't over-stretch.
3rd Sexy Lingerie for You:-
Summer Collection:

Summer Collection:

Price: $5/Pc
Min Order: 2 pcs
Delivery: Anywhere
Delivery Time: 10 days
Another superstitions is that, without bra, the shape gets more bad. This is also not true. Shapes remain the same, but the skin in this area are more softer. Use appropriate cloth to safe-guard it. Use stretch velvet if you feel that body is more stretching.
This research is done to showcase that the temperature keeps on rising and the challenges to Lingerie industries too are great
4th Sexy Lingerie For You:-
Solve some problems:
This project will be upgraded on monthly basis, as more research continue till we find a better solution.
For feedback, please email us on : profsubin80@gmail.com [A S Associates]
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