JESSICA CHASTAIN- " Not Comfortable with On Screen Nudity " But Consensus On Hollywood Usage:

JESSICA CHASTAIN- " Not Comfortable with On Screen Nudity " But Consensus On Hollywood Usage:

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JESSICA CHASTAIN is not Comfortable with On Screen NUDITY, but is uncomfortable with the usage in Hollywood. She is the advocate for GENDER EQUALITY in Hollywood. JESSICA CHASTAIN confirms that usage of Nudity in European films are better used than Hollywood films. Nudity is the decision of the person who do it, but the people who are watching it is considered to be exploitation from her side.

People are comfortable if the decision and control will be in their hands. Love different human forms, Male Nudity, Female NUDITY, is good, but, the decision must be in thier hand!!!!


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JESSICA CHASTAIN was working in a theatrical film "Wilde Salome", done by Al Pacino 2006 production. All the shots had been done and no NUDE DANCING was there in these shots. Later the production house decided to go for "NUDE DANCING", which was ridiculous.

JESSICA CHASTAIN, researched the other version of the play and read the book, then came to understand, it was a Scandalous act to do "NUDE DANCING". This is done only for the production house, whereas it's of no use. That's why, she preferred to do any NUDITY, when its needed for the character, not for exploitation
